

Analysis of uronephrological incidence in children in the Russian Federation according to official statistics

Apolihin O.I., Sivkov A.V., Moskaleva N.G., Solnceva T.V., Komarova V.A.

The present study is dedicated to analysis of child uronephrological incidence in recent years (2001-2008) according to the data from official medical statistics of Ministry of Healthcare and So-cial Development of the Russian Federation, reports of regional specialized institutions and federal state statistics office.

The analysis of these statistical data confirms effectiveness of measures, which are taken ac-cording to the national project “Health” in regions and defines a range of potential disadvantages that may result in reduction of extent and quality of medical aid.

At the same time it should be noted a number of difficulties in the course of the National project realizing in the regions: up to 30% municipal medical institutions can’t be involved in standard medical examination up to date due to lack of necessary specialists and diagnostic equipment; federal clinic capability is insufficient for full availability of high-tech medical care for population; subdivisions of the Russia, which have a real possibility for high-tech development, don’t participate in government order realizing and can’t admit patients from neighboring regions.

With reference to most difficult cohort of child patients with urogenital malignancies statistical regularity was determined as follows: there is a trend of gradual and progressive growth of number of children with malignant tumors; a significant increase of the incidence rate for kidney cancer per 100000 child population is observed; morbidity rate for testicular cancer is unstable and its time course has an undulating character. These regularities may be related to environmental situation in some regions and to the existing economic circumstances or insufficiency of oncourological offices in others, for this reason full coverage of the child population with periodic screening is inaccessible and late referral for specialty consultation occurs. There is the tendention of increasing the number of children with malignant neoplasms and significant increasing of renal cancer.

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