

Number №2, 2014 - page 4-12

Analysis of the uronephrological morbidity and mortality in the Russian Federation during the 10-year period (2002-2012) according to the official statistics

Apolihin O.I., Sivkov A.V., Moskaleva N.G., Solnceva T.V., Komarova V.A.

Current study was devoted to the comparative retrospective analysis of the urological, including oncourological, morbidity during the period from 2002 to 2012 according to the official medical statistics with the aim of the objectification of the current state of the urological service in Russian Federation and in the individual regions. The frequency of the urological diseases, bladder, prostate and kidney tumors were dynamically evaluated, as well as the mortality rate from these diseases.

During these 10 years a significant increase in the absolute numbers of patients with urogenital diseases (+33.5%), including renal insufficiency (+108.4%), prostate diseases (+82.4%), male infertility (+67.7%) and urolithiasis was registered.

Primary incidence of the malignant prostate tumors increased more than twice (+119.6%). Less pronounced tendency for growth was evident for bladder and kidney tumors (+14.3% and +31.2%, correspondingly).

Deaths from the urogenital diseases in Russian Federation decreased at 13.8% with no difference, when it was corrected for the overall number of deaths in country (proportion of urogenital systemrelated deaths to overall number of deaths is 0.6%).

During these 10 years the morbidity due to the prostate tumors tended to grow substantially (+35.2%). The same dynamics for bladder tumors was negative (-11.8%). Absolute number of the patients being dead due to the renal tumors in 2012 tended to be bigger than in 2002 (+4.4%).

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