

Number №3, 2019 - page 185-190

Antimicrobial resistance of pathogens of complicated infection of the upper urinary tract. Results of a retrospective study at the National Hospital of the Kyrgyz Republic DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2019-11-3-185-190

Usupbaev A.Ch., Kabaev B.A., Imankulova A.S., Sadyrbekov N.Zh., Kozhomkulova K.A., Kravcov A.A.
Information about authors:
  • Usupbaev A.Ch. – Dr. Sc., professor, Head of the Department of Urology and Andrology of undergraduate and postgraduate education of the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named aer I.K. Akhunbaeva, usupbaevakylbek@rambler.ru
  • Kabaev B.A. – graduate student of the Kyrgyz State Medical Institute for Retraining and Further Training; kabaevb-13@mail.ru Иманкулова А.С. – к.м.н., заведующая отделом управления качеством медицинской помощи Национального госпиталя Министерства здравоохранения Кыргызской Республики, urology.kg@gmail.com
  • Imankulova A.S. – PhD, head of the department of quality management of medical care at the National Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, urology.kg@gmail.com
  • Sadyrbekov N.Zh. – Dr. Sc., Head of the Department of General Urology of the National Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, urology.kg@gmail.com 
  • Kozhomkulova K.A. – doctor of the Department of General Urology of the National Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, urology.kg@gmail.com 
  • Kravtsov A.A. – PhD, head of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Infection Control at the Scientific and Production Association «Preventive Medicine» of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, urology.kg@gmail.com

Contacts: Kabaev B.A., kabaevb-13@mail.ru

Relevance. One of the urgent problems ofmodern urology and nephrology is a complicated infection of the upper urinary tract(pyelonephritis), which occurs against the background of impaired urine outflow. The etiology of OIVMP is characterized by multifactorial nature.

Materials and methods. A retrospective study at the Republican Scientific Center of Urology at the National Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic (RSCU under the National Hospital Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic) showed that the main pathogens in complicated infection of the upper urinary tract (pyelonephritis) were E. coli (52.9%), Staphylococcus spp. (14.7%) and Enterococcus spp (9.2%). The analysis of pharmacotherapy was conducted.

Results. In 85.7% of cases, patients, before admission to the Russian National Medical Research Center for NG MH KR, received mainly (52.9%) β-lactam antimicrobial agents (PMP), which were prescribed irrationally. This led to the fact that isolated E. coli, which is the leading (52.9%) etiological pathogen of secondary acute pyelonephritis, revealed a high level of resistance to PMP, characterized by a wide prevalence (61.1%) of extended-spectrum β-lactamase producer strains (BLRS). The pathogens of complicated infection of the upper urinary tract (pyelonephritis) were most sensitive to phosphomycin and carbapenems (meropenem and imipenem).

Conclusion. In orderto prevent the nosocomialspread of plasmid resistance, 100% compliancewith infection controlmeasures and the application of the principles of rational pharmacotherapy are required in the departments of the Russian National Research Center for Neuropathic MH.

For citation: Usupbaev A.Ch., Kabaev B.A., A.S. Imankulova, Sadyrbekov N.Zh., Kozhomkulova K.A., Kravtsov A.A. Antimicrobial resistance of pathogens of complicated infection of the upper urinary tract. Results of a retrospective study at the National Hospital of the Kyrgyz Republic. Experimentalnaia and Clinicheskaia Urologia 2019;(3):185-190

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acute pyelonephritis, etiological structure of pathogens, antimicrobial resistance, antimicrobial agents

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