

Number №2, 2020 - page 98-104

Antireflux ureterointestinal anastomosis in the formation of orthotopic urinary reservoir: pro and contra (a review of the literature) DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2020-12-2-98-104

For citation: Zamulin G.Yu., Durleshter V.M., Penzhoyan A.G. Antireflux ureterointestinal anastomosis in the formation of orthotopic urinary reservoir: pro and contra (a review of the literature). Experimental and clinical urology 2020;(2):98-104
Zamulin G.Yu., Durleshter V.M., Penzhoyan A.G.
Information about authors:
  • Zamulin G.Yu. – urologist of State budget institution of Public Health «Regional Clinical Hospital N2» Ministry of Health of Krasnodar Region, Krasnodar
  • Durleshter V.M. – Dr. Sci., professor of Department of Surgery of Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Kuban State Medical University», Russian Federation
  • Penzhoyan A.G. – PhD, urologist of State budget institution of Public Health «Regional Clinical Hospital N2» Ministry of Health of Krasnodar Region, Krasnodar

Introduction. The problem of urine diversion occupies one of the leading places in reconstructive urology. The formation of an orthotopic urinary reservoir of the intestinal segment is a rather surgical aid when performing cystectomy. One of the terrible complications of this operation is the reflux of infected urine, which requires an assessment of modern methods of antireflux protection.

Aim. To analyze data on advantages, disadvantages, complications and controversial points in the formation of ureteroenteroanastomoses in the formation of an orthotopic urinary reservoir. Material and methods. The analysis of the results of the original research on this problem. Results. Preliminary data are not inferior in effectiveness to other methods. Concavities ureterocystoanastomosis it has full flotation and full all the functions of the antireflux mechanism.

Results. The article presents the history of the formation of an orthotopic bladder after radical cystectomy and the study of kidney function in patients with urinary derivation. Much attention is paid to the use of various methods of implantation of ureters in different parts of the small colon.

Conclusion. Аntireflux uretero-intestinal anastomosis is indicated in cases where orthotopic replacement of the bladder is performed in patients with a long life expectancy, a favorable cancer prognosis, a low probability of recurrence and metastasis of the tumor. Currently, the implementation of antireflux anastomosis is accepted as a rule and recommended for use. To date, there is no consensus that any of the methods of anti-reflux protection of the upper urinary tract is the best.

Conflict of interest. The author declare no conflict of interest.

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urinary reservoir, intestinal urine derivation, ureterorenoscopes, reservationitaly reflux, antireflux protection

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