

Number №2, 2017 - page 10-14

Application of a portable urine analyzer «ETTA AMP-01» in outpatient conditions

Kuznecova N.N., Makrushin G.A., Titarenko I.N.

Outpatient examinations are followed with urgent necessity of urine analysis, since this procedure is required for diagnostics, evaluation of disease dynamics and also for the control of the effectiveness of treatment. A new level of modern diagnostics has become available with the use of a portable urine analyzer «ETTA AMP-01». Application of this device helps to obtain accurate and objective information regarding the condition of a patient’s urinary tracts, make a plan of appropriate examination and choose the strategy of treatment. Of particular interest is a group of patients with chronic prostatitis and dysuria. Portable urine analyzer «ETTA-AMP-01» has a great future. It allows you to objectify the received data and automatically add them to a specially developed mobile application that can be viewed by the patient and his or her attending physician. The device «ETTA AMP-01» allows to collect a large amount of data from an entire population of patients. It is certainly convenient in clinical trials and for compiling patient data bases.

Authors declare lack of the possible conflicts of interests.

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outpatient urology, portable urine analyzer «ETTA AMP-01», chronic prostatitis, dysuric disorder

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