

Number №3, 2021 - page 164-169

Assessment of the sexual function of women with primary bladder pain syndrome DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2021-14-3-164-169

For citation: Kuzmin I.V., Ignashov Yu.A., Slesarevskaya M.N., Al-Shukri S.H. Assessment of the sexual function of women with primary bladder pain syndrome. Experimental and Clinical Urology, 2021;14(3):164-169; https://doi.org/10.29188/2222-8543-2021-14-3-164-169
Kuz'min I.V., Ignashov Yu.A., Slesarevskaya M.N., Al'-Shukri S.H.
Information about authors:
  • Kuzmin I.V. – Dr. Sc., professor of Urology Department of Academician I.P. Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation; Saint-Petersburg, Russia; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7724-7832
  • Ignashov Yu.A. – Ph. D., assistant of Urology Department of Academician I.P. Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation; Saint-Petersburg, Russia; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0773-0711
  • Slesarevskaya M.N. – Ph.D., senior researcher of Research Center of Urology of Academician I.P. Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation; Saint-Petersburg, Russia; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4911-6018
  • Al-Shukri S.H. – Dr. Sc., professor, Head of Urological Department of Academician I.P. Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation; Saint-Petersburg, Russia; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4857-0542

Introduction. Primary bladder pain syndrome (PBPS) also known as interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome is a disease with a significant deterioration in quality of life. The reason of that is not only the presence of constant pain in the bladder and urinary disorders, but also due to psychoemotional disorders and sexual dysfunctions.

The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence, nature and severity of sexual dysfunctions in women with PBPS.

Materials and methods. The study involved 75 women (mean age 42.4±3.1 years) with a confirmed diagnosis of PBPS, the control group consisted of 75 women (mean age 41.8 ± 2.9 years) without dysuria and pelvic pain. The severity of clinical manifestations of PBPS was assessed on the basis of a 10-point visual analogue scale of pain in the bladder (VAS-10), questionnaires «Pelvic Pain and Urgency/Frequency Patient Symptom Scale, PUF Scale» and O'Leary-Sant Interstitial Cystitis Symptoms Index (ICSI). Sexual function was assessed using a specialized questionnaire «Female Sexual Function Index» (FSFI).

Results. The overall assessment of sexual function according to the FSFI questionnaire in patients with PBPS was significantly lower than in the control group. In the patients of the main group the mean score according to the FSFI questionnaire was 16.5 ± 4.4, while in the control group it was 30.5 ± 4.2 points (p <0.01). Sexual dysfunctions were detected in 69 (92%) of 75 patients with PBPS and in 24 (32%) women in the control group. The most common type of dysfunction was dyspareunia, which was reported by 72% of women with PBPS. For all components of the sexual function of women with PBPS, its deterioration was noted in older age groups. The degree of sexual dysfunction significantly correlated with the intensity of PBPS symptoms.

Discussion. Our results confirm a significant deterioration in sexual function in women with PBPS, which coincides with the data of other authors. The most common disorder is pain during intercourse. The symptoms of PBPS leads to the development of various sexual dysfunctions. It is advisable at the diagnostic stage for all women with chronic pelvic pain to assess their sexual function to understand the presence and severity of sexual dysfunctions.

Conclusions. The results of this study indicate a high prevalence of sexual dysfunction in women with PBPS. The presence of pain during intercourse is the most frequent clinical manifestation and causes the development of other sexual disorders: desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm and satisfaction. The high frequency of sexual dysfunctions and a significant impact on the quality of life of women with PBPS indicates the need for additional therapeutic measures to restore sexual function.

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primary bladder pain syndrome; interstitial cystitis; female sexual dysfunction

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