

Number №4, 2010 - page 50-53

Biofeedback in female stress incontinence

Apolihin O.I., Romih V.V., Kukushkina L.Yu., Korshunova E.S., Zaharchenko A.V.

Currently female micturition disorders problem is one of the most actual and complicated one in urology. One of the most common disorders is stress incontinence, which frequency rates up to 70% in women after 50 years. According to publications every fifth woman in any period of her life suffers from incontinence with negative influence on her quality of life. Biofeedback efficiency study in patients with mild and moderate stress incontinence was conducted in scientific research institute of urology of Moscow. All patients underwent treatment with biofeedback in combination with electrostimulation of pelvic floor muscles. Procedure was held one time per week in a period of 10 weeks in combination with daily home self trainings without any special devices ("homework"). Clinical efficiency was evaluated due to subjective and objective. According to results analyses we achieved data that proves high efficiency of our method. After the treatment biofeedback in combination with electrostimulation of pelvic floor muscles was efficient in 82% of patients. Whereas biofeedback as a monotherapy (without electrostimulation of pelvic floor muscles) is efficient only in 53% of patients. This method is minimally invasive, safe, efficient, highly compliance and cost-effective and could be recommended as a first-line option in management of females with mild and moderate stress incontinence.

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