

Number №4, 2014 - page 120-123

Clinical case: priapism caused by metastatic lesions of the penis in colon cancer

Galimov R.D., Ivancov A.O., Pavlov D.G., Abu Ayda A.Sh., Eloev R.A., Rakul S.A.

71 y.o. male was hospitalized our clinic with clinical symptoms of rigid long-term priapism. Patient bothered severe pain in the penis, including at rest, sharp difficulty with urination, a sharp decline in the quality of life. The first stage is made puncture of the corpora cavernosa, blood clots and is not obtained. Given the patient's complaint, duration of erection, established indications for bouginage of corpora cavernosa to end a rigid erection, which strongly disturbed patient. Intraoperatively revealed that priapism caused by metastatic lesion. Metastatic nature of the lesion was manifested in the presence of inclusions cartilaginous consistency in the cavernous and spongious bodies, inability bouginage cavernous body for relief of an erection. Further examination revealed multiple lesions on the type of metastatic liver, lungs, kidneys, spleen, peritoneum. Morphologic study consisted of a standard light microscopy stained with hematoxylin-eosin, immunohistochemical typing on tissue-specific proteins: villin, CDX-2, P63, CK-7, CK-5. Microscopy in spongious tissue and cavernous bodies was determined by low-differentiated tumor lesion tissue. Immunohistochemical study revealed a positive expression of villin and CDX-2, which are specific for tumors of the colon. Postoperatively, on the 6th day there were signs of suppuration of the surgical wound. Against the background of local and systemic treatment, wound heal by secondary intention. Patient refused further treatment and continued palliative treatment in the community in other regions of Russia after informing the diagnosis of his illness.

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