

Number №3, 2014 - page 97-99

Comparison of cosmetic results of Snodgrass and Methieu procedure based on validated questionnaire in hypospadias patients

Rudin Yu.E., Garmanova T.N., Maruhnenko D.V.

Introduction. We have completed the comparison of the outcomes of surgical treatment in patients with hypospadias with the use of the specified digital questionnaire.

Materials and methods.One hundred pediatric patients were included in this study, which were operated on due to the presence of hypospadias from February 2010 to February 2012. All patients were divided into two groups. In the first group (n=45) TIP technique was used (Snodgrass operation, urethroplasty using tubularized incised urethral plate), in the second group (n=55) Mathieu operation was performed. Cosmetic results were evaluated after 1 year of follow-up by parents and surgeons using the subjective criteria, outlined in the questionnaire.

Results.Questionnaire analysis showed that parents were in the dominating number of cases satisfied with the appearance of penis with an average mark of 2 (“satisfied”) for every assessment question. Surgeons were less satisfied with the results with the average mark less than 2. Statistical analysis showed the high correlation between the estimation of the appearance of meatus, glans and penile skin, and general appearance of the penis.

Mean estimation of the operation results by parents was 9.01±1.8 in the first group and 7.4±2.8 in the second group with the difference being statistically significant (ANOVA, p=0.0023).

Drawing a conclusion, the presented information with the use of the digital questionnaires for data acquisition shows that Mathieu operation is associatedwith worse results as those for Snodgrass operation in pediatric patients with hypospadias. In our opinion the aforementioned questionnaire is a good tool for the objectification of the cosmetic results after surgical treatment.

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