

Number №3, 2012 - page 30-32

Correction of vesicoureteral reflux in kids and adults with «Vantris» bulking agent

Polyakov N.V., Maslov S.A.

Introduction. The presentation of endoscopic correction of vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) opened new options in management strategy. The objective of research was to evaluate the modified endoscopic VUR correction method with «Vantris» bulking agent.

Materials and methods. 22 children ( 16 girls and 6 boys ) and 7 adults ( 5 females and 5 males ) with III-IV VUR grade underwent endoscopic procedure with use of «Vantris» bulking agent by Promedon company. 22 patients had unilateral and 7 had bilateral VUR. Totaly 36 injections were performed. Presurgical examination included standard laboratory and instrumental methods. Control assessments were performed on 3rd, 6th and 7th months after surgery.

Results: Was used a modified correction technique - injection of bulking agent into posterior wall of refluxing ureter intramural part. Ultrasound vizualisation after surgery showed elongation of intramural part of ureter. Control cystography proved full liquidation of VUR in 33 cases (92%). In left 3 cases repeat injections of «Vantris» bulking agent were performed that led to total VUR elimination proved by control cystography.

Conclusion: endoscopic correction is efficient method of VUR management. The use of modified technique of bulking agent injection increases general efficacy to 92%. Less invasiveness of method is an advantage of endoscopic approach. Positive results were achieved in pediatric either in adults groups, that characterizes «Vantris» bulking agent as efficient, safe and reliable bulking agent. 

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