

Number №3, 2012 - page 63-67

The role of molecular markers in prostate cancer screening: review

Severin S.E., Sivkov A.V., Keshishev N.G., Kuznecova E.M., Shkabko O.V.

At present time the issue of early detection of prostate cancer (CaP) becomes more and more actual. CaP has a very high morbidity and mortality rate increase temp, which is connected with disease late detection and as a result big quantity of patients with advanced and disseminated forms of cancer.

PSA test made a revolution in regard of increase of CaP detection on early curable stages.

However at present time there are convincing proofs of insufficient diagnostic value of PSA marker

The search of new CaP markers and development of them on a base of test systems is of current interest. These more efficient markers include in particularly p2PSA, CYP3A4 genotype, Ki67 LI, Bcl-2, p53, syndecan-1, CD10, circulating tumor cells (CTC), cytokeratines, СК 8, СК 18, СК 19, human epithelial antigen, epithelial cells adhesion cells [EpCAM], PSMA, PSA/RTPCR, PSCA , PCA3, ЕРСА, AMACR.

Genetic basis of malignant transformation are researched by molecular-genetic methods, genomic and transcriptomic technologies.

The development of test-system based on molecular markers form diagnostics and treatment of CaP are potentially capable to increase time and quality of life of big group of socially active population due to efficient disease screening on early stages, preventive therapy management and monitoring of remission periods, detection of micrometastasis in a treatment period and therapy correction in case of inactivation of certain genes.

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