

Number №3, 2014 - page 37-39

Correlation between Gleason score and PSA level

Gevorkyan A.R., Avakyan A.Yu., Efremov E.A., Simakov V.V.

Prostate cancer (PCa) – one of the most important medical problems relating to male population. The degree of tumor differentiation, defined by Gleason score as a result of prostate biopsy is the most important pathological characteristics affecting the prognosis after radical treatment and correlated with pathological stage.

Objective: To determine the detection of prostate cancer in the urology department of the Western Administrative District of Moscow, as well as to establish a connection between the degree of Gleason (level of differentiation of the tumor) and 1) prostate volume; 2) PSA. Materials and Methods: The study included 932 men aged 50 to 78 years (mean age – 62 years) who underwent transrectal prostate biopsy. Prostate cancer was diagnosed in 371 (40%) patients. 347 patients with prostate cancer, which during the histological examination of tumor tissue was determined by the degree of differentiation of the tumor Gleason score, depending on the level of PSA were combined into 2 groups: 1st – PSA≤10 ng/ml, 2-nd >10 ng/ml.

Results: Average prostate volume in group 1 was 48.64 cm3 (16-161,8 cm3) in the 2nd – 56.6 cm3 (17-149 cm3). Comparison of two sets of values (PSA>10 ng/ml and PSA≤10 ng/ml) using a double U Mann-Whitney test showed that they are statistically significant difference at a significance level a=0,001 (observed value U=3,77•103; critical values c1=1,91•103, c2=3,56•103). The same result was obtained when using bilateral Student t-test (p=9,126•10-5).

Conclusion: The study has demonstrated a direct dependence of the degree of Gleason and PSA.

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