

Number №1, 2020 - page 36-40

The current possibilities of evaluation of prostate neuroarchitectonics DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2020-12-1-36-40

For citation: Popov, S.V., Orlov I.N., Gulko A.M., Kuplevatskiy V.I., Efimtsev A.Yu., Peremyshlenko A.S., Vyazovtsev P.V., Grin E.A., Topuzov T.M., Semenyuk A.V., Gorelik M.L., Nimeniya D.R. The current possibilities of evaluation of prostate neuroarchitectonics. Experimental and clinical urology 2020;(1):36-40
Popov S.V., Orlov I.N., Gul'ko A.M., Kuplevackiy V.I., Efimcev A.Yu., Peremyshlenko A.S., Vyazovcev P.V., Grin' E.A., Topuzov T.M., Semenyuk A.V., Gorelik M.L., Nimen'ya D.R.
Information about authors:
  • Popov S.V. – DrSc, Head Physician, St. Luke Clinic State Budgetary Health Institution of St. Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg, Russia,  ORCID 0000-0003-2767-7153
  • Orlov I.N. – PhD, head of the urology department No. 1, St. Luke Clinic State Budgetary Health Institution of St. Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, ORCID 0000-0003-27677153
  • Gulko A.M. – urologist, St. Luke Clinic State Budgetary Health Institution of St. Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, ORCID 0000-0003-4847-9519
  • Kuplevatsky V.I. – radiologist, Sergey Berezin’s Medical Institute Diagnostic and treatment center, ORCID 0000-0001-9753-1913
  • Efimtsev A.Yu. – PhD, head of the research laboratory of the Research Institute of Radiation Diagnostics, ORCID 0000-0003-2249-1405
  • Peremyshlenko A.S. – PhD, head of the pathological department (with a morgue), St. Luke Clinic State Budgetary Health Institution of St. Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
  • Vyazovtsev P.V. – urologist, St. Luke Clinic State Budgetary Health Institution of St. Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
  • Grin E.A. – urologist, St. Luke Clinic State Budgetary Health Institution of St. Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, ORCID 0000-0002-8685-6525
  • Topuzov T.M. – PhD, urologist, St. Luke Clinic State Budgetary Health Institution of St. Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, ORCID 0000-0003-1050-6198
  • Semenyuk A.V. – resident-urologist, St. Luke Clinic State Budgetary Health Institution of St. Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
  • Gorelik M.L. – resident-urologist, St. Luke Clinic State Budgetary Health Institution of St. Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
  • Nimenya D.R. – resident-urologist, St. Luke Clinic State Budgetary Health Institution of St. Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Introduction. Prostate cancer is one of the most common oncological diseases in men in modern society. The relevance and social significance of this problem with the rapid pace of development of high technologies in radiation diagnostics have led to the fact that in the last 10 years, many works have appeared on the visualisation of the periprostatic nervous plexus using MR-tractography.

The objective of this work was assessment of the role of MR-tractography in oncourological clinical practice.

Materials and methods. There was selected and analysed a number of researches, which studying this diagnostic method.

Resalts. It was found that MR-tractography is a comparatively new and promising diagnostic method for neuroimaging of periprostatic nerve plexuses.

Conclusion. In the future, this method can play the main role in planning the nerve-saving technique of radical prostatectomy with a localised form of the oncological process.

Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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prostate, prostate cancer, radical prostatectomy, nerve-saving technique, nerve-vascular bundle, magnetic resonance imaging, neuroarchitecture of prostate, nerve plexus

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