

Number №1, 2020 - page 119-123

Correlation between the testicular hypotrophy degree and the testosterone level in the testicular vein in patients with varicocele DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2020-12-1-119-123

For citation: Sizonov V.V., Sichinava Z.A., Kravtsov Yu.A. Correlation between the testicular hypotrophy degree and the testosterone level in the testicular vein in patients with varicocele. Experimental and clinical urology 2020;(1):119-123
Sizonov V.V., Sichinava Z.A., Kravcov Yu.A.
Information about authors:
  • Sizonov V.V. – Dr. Sci, associate professor, professor at the Department of urology and reproductive health with the course of pediatric urology and andrology of FGBOU VO «Rostov State Medical University of the Minzdrav of Russia, Head of the Pediatric Uroandrologic Department of Rostov Regional Children’s Hospital, Rostov-on-Don, Russia; ORCID 0000-0001-9145-8671
  • Sichinava Z.A. – Ph.D., associate professor at the department of clinical medicine, pediatric surgeon, pediatric urologist and andrologist, Medical Center of Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia; 
  • Kravtsov Yu.A. – Dr. Sci, associate professor at the Institute of Surgery of Pacific National Medical University, Vladivostok, Russia;

Introduction. Нigh testosterone concentration in the testicular vein can be potentially connected towell-known Leydig cell hyperplasia in patient with varicocele. Aim. To study the relationship between the value of testicular hypotrophy and testosterone levelsin the testicular vein in children and adolescents with varicocele.

Materials and methods. The study includes 35 men and adolescents with left-sided varicocele in the fifth stage of puberty according to Tanner. Indications for surgery were formed if adolescents had testicular hypotrophy of 20% or more and pain in the ipsilateral half of the scrotum. In adult patients, indications for varicocelectomy were formed against a background of infertility in marriage combined with pathospermia. We studied the concentration of testosterone in the blood obtained from the testicular vein during varicocelectomy. Blood sampling from the veins of the spermatic cord was performed after obtaining the informed consent from the patients.

Results. An analysis of the correlation revealed a moderate inverse relationship between the absolute values of the testosterone concentration in the testicular vein of patients with varicocele and the index of testicular hypotrophy (Rs = 0.53 (p = 0.001009)).

Conclusion. An increase in the degree of testicular atrophy in adolescents with varicocele at Tanner stage V correlates with a decrease in testosterone level in blood samples obtained from the testicular vein. Thisconfirms the role of the testicular atrophy index as an indicator of the degree of alteration of testicular tissue and as the most important criterion in forming indications for preventive varicocelectomy.

Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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varicocele, sex hormones, testicular hypotrophy, testosterone

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