

Number №3, 2013 - page 108-112

The current view of the pathophysiology of nocturia

Protoschak V.V., Cygan V.N., Shestaev A.Yu., Rassvetaev A.V., Haritonov N.N., Matich A.I., Gul'ko A.M., Kulay D.G.

The article provides an overview of current literature on the most frequent dysuric pathology - nocturia. This disorder significantly reduces the quality of life for men and women. Current pharmacological and surgical treatments were not always pronounced clinical effect against number of nighttime urination in patients of older age groups. Until recently, it was considered that cause of nocturia is an organic or functional disorders of the urinary system, however, in reality this is not always the case. Established multifactorial genesis of nocturia in recent studies. We showed the etiopathophysiological aspects of the urination disorders. Proved that the in addition to urinary tract pathology, a large contribution to the genesis of nocturia make endocrine and cardiovascular systems, and age characteristics of the human. Nocturnal and daily polyuria, reduced bladder capacity, and the combination of data breaches placing obstacles in the diagnosis and treatment of an increased nighttime urination. Considers the current recommendations of various authors for correction of etiologic factors of nocturia. As an additional pharmacotherapy proposed antidiuretic (oral intake a synthetic analogue of antidiuretic hormone or vasopressin - desmopressin), antimuscarinic therapy (oxybutynin, solefenatsin), including the administration of drugs that improve the quality and duration of sleep. These features of the etiology and pathogenesis allow to conclude about the necessity for timely diagnosis, as well as additional directions in the treatment of nocturia.

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