

Number №3, 2013 - page 4-7

Dynamics and prognosis of the benign prostatic hyperplasia morbidity in Nizhegorodsky region

Apolihin O.I., Sevryukov F.A., Sorokin D.A., Karpuhin I.V., Puchkin A.B., Semenychev D.V., Kochkin A.D.

This article contains the results of the dynamics investigation for the adult patients morbidity from the benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) according to the ambulatory medical aid appealability and admission rates.

The characteristics of the primary and general morbidity were analyzed in comparison with those of Russian Federation and Privolzhsky Federal Region. For the last 6 years of the observation a clear trend to the morbidity increase was evident for these 3 administrative units. In the Nizhegorodsky region the increment was registered at 9.3% for primary cases of BPH and at 25.5% for the overall morbidity by year 2010. Nevertheless, the morbidity rates for Nizhegorodsky region are substantially decreased when compared to 2 other units and the heterogeneity of the dynamics was evident. Clarification of the officially registered morbidity using the data extrapolation from the previously performed cross-sectional studies for the male patients older than 40 years let to define a very low part of the officially detected BPH morbidity – only 8.1%. Admittance analysis was done using the hospitalization data of the male patients older than 40 years to the urological clinics of Nizhegorodsky region. For the sake of the optimization, the medico-demographic peculiarities of the patients structure and some parameters of the organization and treatment quality were estimated. The results were used as statistical basis for the prognosis of the admittance morbidity for BPH, demonstrating a 1.4-fold increment of the hospitalizations by year 2015.

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