

Number №1, 2021 - page 56-61

The effect of hyperbaric oxygenation on the sexual function recovery in patients after radical prostatectomy DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2021-14-1-56-61

For citation: Sokolov E.A., Veliev R.A., Veliev E.I., Mitrokhin A.A., Vodneva M.M. The effect of hyperbaric oxygenation on the sexual function recovery in patients after radical prostatectomy. Experimental and Clinical Urology 2021;14(1):56-61, https://doi.org//10.29188/2222-8543-2021-14-1-56-61
E.A. Sokolov, R.A. Veliev, E.I. Veliev, A.A. Mitrokhin, M.M. Vodneva
Information about authors:
  • Sokolov E.A. – PhD, assistant of urology and surgical andrology department of Russian medical academy of continuing professional education, doctor of urology department in State clinical hospital named after S.P. Botkin; Moscow, Russia; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8887-5789
  • Veliev R.A. – resident of urology and surgical andrology department of Russian medical academy of continuing professional education; Moscow, Russia; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9811-4628
  • Veliev E.I. – Dr. Sc., professor of urology and surgical andrology department of Russian medical academy of continuing professional education, head of urology department in State clinical hospital named after S.P. Botkin; Moscow, Russia; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1249-7224
  • Mitrokhin A.A. – PhD, head of hyperbaric oxygenation therapy department in State clinical hospital named after S.P. Botkin; Moscow, Russia
  • Vodneva M.M. – doctor of hyperbaric oxygenation therapy department in State clinical hospital named after S.P. Botkin; Moscow, Russia; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5566-1103

Introduction. Necessity of the functional results’ improvement after radical prostatectomy (RP) stimulates research of additional rehabilitation methods of the patients. The aim of this research is study of the hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) efficacy on erectile function (EF) rehabilitation in patients after RP with nerve-sparing surgery (NSS).

Materials and methods. This study analyzed the data of 37 patients with normal EF prior to surgery. Randomization into two groups was performed: patients who received HBO course (17 patients) and control group (20 patients) who had no postoperative therapy. The HBO course included 10 90-minutes sessions. Unilateral NSS was performed in 24 cases (64,9%), bilateral NSS – in 13 cases (35,1%). EF status was assessed by IIEF-15 questionnaire, biochemical recurrence was registered in PSA > 0,2 ng/ml after the surgery.

Clinical practice and results. Full EF rehabilitation in HBO group in one year was registered in 13 cases (76,5%) versus 9 cases in control group (45%, p=0,03). HBO had statistically significant influence on EF rehabilitation only in unilateral NSS cases (p=0,037). Use of HBO had no influence of orgasmic function rehabilitation (82,4% versus 80% in control group, p>0,05). No biochemical recurrence was registered in the HBO group.

Conclusion. The HBO application in RP with unilateral NSS may be considered as perspective possible EF rehabilitation method. According to the early results use of HBO in postoperative period doesn’t exceed the risk of cancer recurrence. Further method efficacy and safety assessment is needed as well as evaluation of an optimal scheme and terms of the treatment.

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erectile function orgasmic function; hyperbaric oxygenation; radical prostatectomy; nerve-sparing surgery.

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