

Number №3, 2016 - page 120-126

Endocrinological aspects of chronic cystitis in women

Tyuzikov I.A., Kalinchenko S.Yu.

In the first part of the review article the general endocrinological aspects of one of the most common urological diseases in women – chronic recurrent bacterial cystitis – are considered. e steady increase of antibiotic resistance on the background of limited amount of effective in this pathology of antimicrobial chemotherapy today, neither allow to carry out effective therapy of aggravations of chronic recurrent bacterial cystitis, no to reduce the frequency of aggravations. e low efficiency of the traditional approach to chronic recurrent bacterial cystitis in women as only manifestations of local bladder’s infection forces conduct to search of other, more effective from a pathogenetic point of view of therapeutic options. The urinary bladder is a hormone-dependent organ, and the modern endocrine-autocrine-paracrine theory of regulation of the bladder allows it to be considered chronic recurrent bacterial cystitis as a kind of infectious-bacterial "tip of the iceberg" hormonal illness of the bladder in women. Therefore, the control of metabolism and natural antimicrobial protection of bladder through endocrine mechanisms of its regulation in women should be considered as an effective therapeutic option that can significantly improve therapeutic and preventive results in this pathology compared to traditional antimicrobial monotherapy.

Authors declare lack of the possible conflicts of interests.

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infections of the lower urinary tract, chronic recurrent bacterial cystitis, antibiotic resistance, sex hormones, vitamin D, pathogenesis, pharmacotherapy

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