

Number №3, 2016 - page 144-149

The osmoregulatory function of kidneys in women with different types of urinary incontinence

Osipova N.A., Guliev B.G., Niauri D.A., Gzgzyan A.M.

Introduction. e interest in the issues of pathogenesis, diagnostics and treatment of urinary incontinence in women is constantly growing. It is linked with the expansion of modern diagnostic capabilities, rapid development of surgical techniques of fundus pelvis and the emergence of new drugs. However, in some cases it is impossible to achieve positive treatment outcome, that is why the search for new pathologically reasonable ways of treatment of urination disorders in women is continued.

Aim. To investigate the osmoregulatory function of kidneys in women with different types of urinary incontinence.

Materials and methods. e study included the results of women examination with stress urinary incontinence (143), imperative urinary incontinence (43) and mixed types of incontinence (91). 14 women were included into the control group. e age of the women from the experimental and control groups varied from 18 to 55 years. During their examination, they lived on an ordinary diet. Daily urination diary was being kept during not less than 7 days. Samples of urine were collected during voluntary urination for three days. Records in the diaries included the time of urination urges, volume of the urine obtained from one urination, sleep duration and the amount of liquid consumed.

Results. According to the data analyzed from the daily urination diaries, polyuria was found in 8.7% (±1.7) and nocturia – in 21.7% (±2.5) of women with urinary incontinence. ese pathological conditions had equal frequencies for the different types of urinary incontinence. An increase in diuresis in the women examined was not connected with the decrease in the water permeability of the renal tubule.

Conclusion. A correlation between diuresis and osmolyte clearance gives grounds to assume that a change in urine formation might be caused by a shi in renal tubule ion flow.

Authors declare lack of the possible conflicts of interests.

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urinary incontinence, osmolar clearance, reabsorption of solute free water

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