

Number №3, 2013 - page 9-11

Epidemiological analysis of prevalence and incidence of urolithiasis in the adult population of Irkutsk region

Onopko V.F., Zelenkova S.V., Botvinkin A.D.

The analysis of the prevalence and incidence of urolithiasis of the adult population of the Irkutsk region for the period 2001 to 2011 was presented. The median incidence and prevalence of urolithiasis in Irkutsk region were 152,70/0000 и 649,1 0/0000, correspondently. A tendency to an increase of the urolithiasis prevalence (on average by 3,3% per year) was demonstrated. The average annual growth rate of urolithiasis incidence was 1,38%. Оn the base of statistical data (both primary detected, as well as already registered patients with urolithiasis) the population morbidity (prevalence and incidence) of urolithiasis was firstly calculated in the context of areas of the Irkutsk region. Over a 5-year period (2007-2011 year) the population morbidity was unevenly distributed by districts of the Irkutsk region and had a zonal character. The areas, endemic for incidence of urolithiasis, were identified. The median prevalence during the study period is the highest in the Ust-Ilimsk city – 1005,6 0/0000, it exceeds the average for the Irkutsk region (649,10/0000) to 62,7%. e average incidence is maximum in one of the northern districts, Kazachinsko- Lensky, (315,6 0/0000) and exceeds the average for the region (152,7 0/0000) to 106,8%.

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