

Number №2, 2019 - page 122-127

Experience of low-intensity shock wave therapy in ambulatory urological practice in patients with chronic prostatitis DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2019-11-2-122-126

Garilevich B.A., Kuznecova N.N., Titarenko I.N., Makrushin G.A., Mohon' I.M., Semenov A.A.
Information about authors:
  • Garilevich B.А. – Dr. Sc., professor, urologist of the urology department ESWL of the branch №1 of the «Main military clinical hospital named aer acad. N. N. Burdenko» of the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation, rumelit@mail.ru
  • Kuznetsova N.N. – PhD, urologist, director of the Medical Center «Men's Health», erginmc@gmail.com
  • Titarenko I.N. – urologist, KGKB№1, them. M.N. Gorbunova, polyclinic № 3, erginmc@gmail.com
  • Makrushin G.A. – Urologist, Polyclinic № 5, doctor_@mail.ru
  • Mohon I.M. – Ultrasound doctor, Medical Center «Energetik», ira-kemerovo42@yandex.ru
  • Semenov A.A. – Head of urological department of the branch №1 of the «Main military clinical hospital named aer acad. N. N. Burdenko» of the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation, semenov_doc@bk.ru

Purpose.Chronic prostatitis(CP)is one of the most debatable problemsin urology, due to the lack of common approaches to the interpretation of the pathogenesis of this disease, the objectification of patient testing and the complexity of therapy. For the treatment of CP proposed a wide range of physiotherapy treatments. One of the methods of physiotherapeutic effects that improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs and thereby increase the bioavailability of drugs is low-intensity shock-wave therapy (LI-ESWT).

Objective: to evaluate the clinical effect of the use of LI-ESWT in the complex treatment of patientswith CP II-IIIАin the conditions of outpatient practice.

Material and methods. The study included 62 patients with chronic prostatitis of category II and IIIA,whowere included in the treatmentregimen LIESWT sessions on the «Rumelit» apparatus (registration certificate No. FSR 2012/14013).Acytomorphologicalstudy of prostate secretionwith a microphotograph using an Axiostar plus microscope (Zeiss x1000) and the obligatory count of lecithin grains (LG), using a three-point system, was included in the comprehensive examination.

Results Objective examination methods after the course of therapy showed that the ultrasound picture of the prostate gland did not change significantly, the main indicators of uroflowmetry improved. A study of the cytomorphological picture of prostate secretionwith the determination of LG concentration also revealed a significant positive trend during and after treatment.

Conclusion The inclusion of LI-ESWT in the complex of treatment of patients with CP can reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process, improve the quality of urination in all patients in whom it has been impaired, and also restore the impaired secretory function of the prostate gland.

Authors declare lack of the possible conflicts of interests.

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chronic prostatitis, lecithin grains, cytomorphology, low intensity shock wave therapy

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