

Experience of training of doctors of the city polyclinic in the profile of urology

Agamov Z.H.
Information about authors:
  • Agamov Z. K. – PhD, Head of the urology Department of State budgetary institution of health care of the Moscow «Сity policlinic No. 115 of Department of health care of the Moscow», е-mail: azxur@rambler.ru

Purpose of study. Training of doctors of the city polyclinic in the profile of urology.

Materials and methods. The results of the interviewing of doctors allowed to determine the main reasons for the appointment of consultations of urologists, as well as to develop a form for registration of visits to urologists, followed by filling before and after the cycle of lectures on the profile of urology.

Results. Registered 626 and 631 visits before and after the lecture cycle, respectively. Comparative analysis showed that the proportion of visits to urologists from other specialists after a series of lectures decreased by 10%. Regular lectures at medical conferences contributed to the development of doctors of other specialties, part of the functions of urologists and led to a decrease in the number of visits to appointments of urologists of patients sent to them for consultation by doctors of other specialties.

Author declare lack of the possible conflicts of interests.

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outpatient hospital, visit to doctor, training of doctors

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