

Номер №3, 2018 - page 91-100

Nitrofurans in the urological practice: are they all the same and why are we getting back to them today?

Perepanova T.S.
Information about authors:
  • Perepanova T.S. – Dr. Sc., professor, Head of the Department of infectious and inflammatory diseases and clinical pharmacology N.A. Lopatkin Scientific Research Institute of Urology and Interventional Radiology – Branch of the National Medical Research Radiological Centre of the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation. e-mail: perepanova2003@mail.ru

The article comprises a literature review on nitrofurans, which are chemotherapeutic drugs with antimicrobial action.

Due to the growth of resistance to broad-spectrum antibiotics – cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones, the use of which is sharply limited during the lower urinary tract infections, nitrofurans, along with fosfomycin trometamol, remain the firstchoice drugs for treating acute and recurrent lower urinary tract infections (LUTI).

This paper presents the microbiological, pharmacokinetic and clinical data of various representatives of the nitrofuran group: nitrofurantoin, nifuratel and furazidin. A Cochrane modern systematic review on the use of nitrofurans in the prevention of recurrent LUTI is shown. The data on undesirable side effects of administration of nitrofurans, on the safety of their use and interaction with other drugs, as well as on the use of this group of drugs in special categories of patients are provided.

Author declare lack of the possible conflicts of interests.

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urinary tract infection, nitrofurantoin, furazidin, nifuratel, acute cystitis, postcoital cystitis, recurrent cystitis

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