

An experience of TVT-secur* application for urinary incontinence in women

Kachmazov A.A., Zhuravlev V.N., Romih V.V., Zhuravlev O.V., Bazhenov I.V.

Urethrosuspension that appeared slightly more than ten years ago becomes “gold standard” for stress urinary incontinence treatment in women. The procedure has displaced a numerous surgical treatment methods for the disease out of clinical practice. Low operative trauma, relatively simple urethrosuspension performing and high efficacy underlie its wide application. However serious complications associated with the procedure were described – large vessel injury, intestine perforation, bladder damage, hematomas, inguinal abscesses. Recently “mini-slings” appeared at the market of implants. TVT-secur* application began in 2005 and firstly it seemed not so good as desired. Clinical effectiveness at early followup was 47 to 83% to the various authors.

We demonstrate our experience of TVT-Secur* application from 2007 to 2010. 52 procedures were performed for that period. One of two mini-sling placement options was accepted – “hammock-like”. Patient age was 39 to 81 years. 4 patients underwent simultaneous TVT-secur* and cystocele correction using implant Prolift Anterior*, 1 – TVT-secur* with total pelvic floor repair using Prolift Total* system. In three cases the procedure was performed under local anesthesia. There was no intraoperative complications. The results of procedure were as follows: total effectiveness – 91,6%, cure – 87,5%, improving – 4,1%, no effect – 8,4%. The presented results of TVT-secur* application demonstrate high effectiveness and safety of the method.

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