

Number №2, 2019 - page 26-33

Experimental modeling of bacterial prostatitis. Review DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2019-11-2-26-33

Kogan M.I., Naboka Yu.L., Ismailov R.S., Popov I.V., Slyusarenko N.B
Information about authors:
  • Kogan M.I. – Dr. Sc., professor, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Head, department of urology and human reproductive Health with the Course of Pediatric Urology-andrology of the Advanced Training and Specialist Professional Retraining Faculty, Rostov State Medical University (FGBOU VPO RostGMU of Russian Federation Ministry Of Healthcare), dept_kogan@mail.ru
  • Naboka Yu.L. – Dr. Sc., professor, Head, Department of Microbiology and Virology № 1, Rostov State Medical University (FGBOU VPO RostGMU of Russian Federation Ministry Of Healthcare), nagu22@mail.ru, ORCID 0000-0002-4808-7024
  • Ismailov R.S. – MD, Full-time Postgraduate student, Department of Urology and Human Reproductive Health with the Course of Pediatric Urology-andrology of the Advanced Training and Specialist Professional Retraining Faculty, Rostov State Medical University (FGBOU VPO RostGMU of Russian Federation Ministry Of Healthcare), dr.ruslan.ismailov@gmail.com, ORCID 0000-0003-1958-9858
  • Popov I.V. – III year Student, Treatment and Prophylactic Faculty, Rostov State Medical University, gor98hk21@gmail.com
  • Slyusarenko N.V. – III year Student, Treatment and Prophylactic Faculty, Rostov State Medical University, nsluysarenko@gmail.com

The etiology of prostatitis in categories I and II has not been finally determined, despite the considerable amount of publications. Based on the synthesis of many studies, causative uropathogens cluster has been distinguished, whose role in the onset of the acute and chronic forms of this disease is definitively determined. In turn, in order to verify the etiological identity of microorganisms` taxa that constitute an extensive discussion cluster for the development of bacterial prostatitis, it is necessary to continue research in this direction. In addition, the affiliation issue of some microorganisms to the development of prostatitis category IIIa remains controversial. A considerable amount of research is devoted to the problem of conservative treatment of bacterial prostatitis, which, despite the wide range of modern synthesized different classes of pharmaceuticals used in urology, reflects the absence of a persuasive combination of medicines used to treat bacterial prostatitis. The comprehensive conclusive test of publications showed that many researchers are now successfully using animals models to solve the vast part of the presented problems. We have analyzed the most validated literature that reflects the stages of formation, as well as the dynamics of development and the formation of modern trends in experimental modeling of bacterial prostatitis. This review describes various animals models of bacterial prostatitis and techniques of autopsy`s material laboratory study, animal used species and methods for their anesthetic reference, in addition a brief description of the bacterial strains used.

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prostatitis, bacterial, сausative uropathogens, atypical uropathogens, experimental modeling, animals models, laboratory animals

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