

Number №3, 2015 - page 88-91

Functional results of hypospadias correction based on uroflowmetry findings

Rudin Yu.E., Romih V.V., Garmanova T.N., Maruhnenko D.V.

Introduction. Many technical approaches are now widely used for surgical correction of hypospadias. The outcome measures are still not standardized. We investigate uroflowmetry as a method for efficacy control after surgical treatment. 

Materials and methods. We have included 135 pediatric patients with hypospadias correction occurred in a period of 2012-2014 years. Patients were divided into three groups: 45 children operated on using TIP (tubularized incised plate urethroplasty) in 1st group, 35 children with GTIP operation (prepucial graft TIP) in 2nd group, and 55 patients with Mathieu Onlay Island Flap approach which formed a third group. Functional results were evaluated using uroflowmetry. 

Results. Preoperatively Qmax was 15.9±5.2 ml/sec, average micturition speed was 7.7±2.5 ml/sec, voiding volume was 95±22.5 ml. Preoperatively uroflowmetry curve was normal in 72 patients (67.4%), intermitting curve – in 20 patients (18.5%), and classic obstructive type of curve was visible in 15 patients (14.5%). Follow-up time points were 1, 3, 6 and 12 months post-op. At month 12 obstructive voiding was evident in 3 patients (20%) in 1st group, in 1 (9.1%) – in 2nd group, and in 2 (13.3%) – in third group. 

Conclusions. Uroflowmetry parameters are changing after the hypospadias correction: one third of patients has deviations preoperatively; maximal decrease in Qmax is visible at month 1 after operation due to scarring. Therefore, using uroflowmetry for outcome control is reasonable only at least 2 months after the operation. 

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hypospadias, treatment, functional results, uroflowmetry, voided volume, obstruction

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