

Number №3, 2015 - page 62-66

Non-transecting anastomotic urethroplasty is a new type of urethroplasty for short bulbar urethral stricture

Kotov S.V.

Twenty patients were undergone non-transecting anastomotic bulbar urethroplasty in the period from July 2012 to May 2015. The indications for surgery were: short nontraumatic bulbar urethral stricture less than 2.0 cm. Most common reason of stricture was iatrogenic (75.0%). In most cases, stricture (95%) was located in the proximal part of the bulbar urethra. “Stricturoplasty with principle of Heineke-Mikulicz” was performed in cases of stricture up to 1.0sm (11 patients). "Stricturoplasty by Mundy» was performed in cases of stricture from 1.0 to 2.0 sm (5 patients). "Vessel-sparing urethroplasty by Jordan” was performed in a case urethral obliteration (4 patients). The effectiveness of the non-transecting anastomotic urethroplasty was 85% (3 of relapse among patients 20). If we consider each procedure separately, there was no recurrent after “urethroplasty by Heineke-Mikulicz” in 9 of 11 patients (81.8%), after “stricturoplasty by Mundy” in 4 of 5 patients (80%), after “vessel-sparing urethroplasty by Jordan” in 4 of 4 (100 %). The new technique of non-transecting anastomotic urethroplasty can be as an alternative to the end-to-end anastomotic urethroplasty for patients with short bulbar urethral strictures, with the exception of posttraumatic origin and could replace the direct vision internal urethrotomy as the first option of surgical treatment in patients with stricture length of less than 1 cm. 

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urethral stricture; anastomotic urethroplasty; internal optical urethrotomy

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