

Number №2, 2013 - page 128-136

Hydronephrosis treatment: from nephrectomy to NOTES technology

Minin A.E., Kagancov I.M., Turabov I.A.

In the last time the wide implication of the ultrasound led to the substantial increase in the diagnosis rate of the congenital hydronephrosis in children. The most popular method of the treatment currently is the Anderson- Hynes operation, described as early as 1949, however the contemporary requirements of the surgery suppose the less traumatic and esthetic approaches. A tendency to decrease the operative trauma have roots in 60s years of the last century, when many mini-invasive approaches were developed. By the middle of 70s years it was possible according to the progress of the endoscopic instrumentation to make an “endopyelothomy”, but the results were shown to be worse than in open surgery series. Since the end of the 80s years laparoscopy is actively introduced in the everyday practice. First performed in 1993, laparoscopic operation for hydronephrosis was then widely adopted, and the results were shown to be similar to open technique. Nowadays worldwide the laparoscopic operation is considered as the operation of the choice for treatment of the congenital hydronephrosis. A growing popularity achieve the robot-assisted surgery, single-port operations, and even the NOTES operation was described as a case report for this disease. The evidence for the applicability of the laparoscopic operations in the treatment of the congenital hydronephrosis is very solid, so that these operations could be counted as safe, effective and preferable way to correct the problem when compared to the “open” alternative.

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