

Number №2, 2019 - page 128-133

The information content of biological material for the study of the urogenital tract in men by real-time PCR (pilot trail) DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2019-11-2-128-132

Pochernikov D.G., Vitvichkaya Yu.G., Boldyreva M.N., Galkina I.S.
Information about authors:
  • Pochernikov D.G. – PhD, associate Professor of the Department of faculty surgery and urology «Ivanovo state medical Academy» of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation, Ivanovo; urologkmn@mail.ru, ORCID 0000-0002-8944-7524
  • Boldyreva М.N. – Dr. Sc., medical Director of the Group of companies «DNA-Technology», boldyreva@dna-technology.ru
  • Vitvitskaya Yu.G. – PhD, researcher of the Group of companies «DNA-Technology», vitvitskaya@dna-technology.ru
  • Galkina I.S. – PhD, marketing Director of the Group of companies «DNA-Technology», galkina@dna-technology.ru

Purpose. In chronic forms of inflammation, the most frequent etiological agents in the occurrence of chronic prostatitis (CP) are conditionally pathogenicmicroorganisms (CPM), the detection of which by traditional diagnostic methodsis difficult due to the objective limitations of the methods. Real-time (RT-PCR) allows quick and reliable identification of CPM responsible for the occurrence of CP and other chronic inflammatory diseases of urogenital tract. It is not clear what isthe mostreliable biomaterial for diagnosis: swab from the urethra, ejaculate, or the prostate secret?

Purpose of this study isto determine the choice of an adequate biomaterial type of microbiota’s quantitative evaluation by RT-PCR in patients with CP, in order to allow the doctors to obtain informative results and provide an opportunity for etiologically approved drug therapy. 22 patientsin the urological clinic ofIvanovo State MedicalAcademy,who appliedwith infertility and forthe purpose of pregravidary preparation were examined. e following biomaterials were obtained from all patients simultaneously: swab from the urethra, ejaculate, and prostate secretion for subsequent examination using the RT-PCR method.


  1. Considering that the anterior urethra in men can act as a reservoir of chronic infection, the examination of the patientshould always begin with an assessment of the microbiome of the anterior urethra.
  2. To identifyCP in orderto avoid underdiagnosis,when choosing biomaterial forresearch between the ejaculate and prostate secretion, prostate secretion is preferable.

Authors declare lack of the possible conflicts of interests.

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chronic prostatitis, real-time PCR, urethral scraping, ejaculate, prostate secretion, conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, DNA microorganisms

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