

Number №2, 2019 - page 134-139

Laboratory criteria for effectiveness of magnetic and ozone therapy for chronic bacterial prostatitis DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2019-11-2-134-139

Katibov M.I., Alibekov M.M.
Information about authors:
  • Katibov M.I. – Dr. Sc., Associate Professor, chief of urological department State budgetary institution of the Republic of Dagestan «City Clinical Hospital No. 1», Makhachlala, mikatibov@mail.ru
  • Alibekov M.M. – urologist of urological department State budgetary institution of the Republic of Dagestan «City Clinical Hospital No. 1», Makhachlala, m.alibeckov@mail.ru

Introduction. Assuming the relevance of optimization of treatment for patients with chronic bacterial prostatitis (CP) we performed the study to evaluate efficacy of combined magnet therapy and ozone therapy in such patients.

Materials and methods. This study included 154 patients with bacterial CP: 43 patients received standard therapy (antibacterial drugs, α-adrenergic blockers, enzymes, vitamins, antiaggregants, prostatic massage) up to 6 weeks, 38 additionally received transrectal magnet therapy, 40 additionally received transrectal ozone therapy, and 33 additionally received transrectal magnet and ozone therapy. Outcomes were evaluated 3 months after treatment using the following criteria: number of leukocytes and lecithin granules in prostatic secretions, eradication of bacteria causing CP by the cultural study.

Results. The most pronounced positive dynamics by all three studied parameters was observed in the group of patients where we used both treatment methods: magnet therapy and ozone therapy. Only in this group we observed no patients with moderate or severe increase in leukocyte count in prostatic secretions, while the number of patients with a large amount of lecithin granules in prostatic secretions and eradication of bacterial factor reached its maximum and was 30.3% and 84.8% respectively.

Conclusion. Introduction of both magnet therapy and ozone therapy in combined therapy of patients with bacterial CP allows to obtain the highest efficacy of treatment.

Authors declare lack of the possible conflicts of interests.

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chronic prostatitis, magnetic therapy, ozone therapy, secret of the prostate gland

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