

Number №2, 2013 - page 137-138

A longtime stay of the foreign body (needle) in the urethra and soft tissues of the perineum in a 10-year boy

Nurmuhamedov K.N., Radzhabov U.A.

According to the literature the foreign bodies occur very seldom in children. Often the foreign bodies are injected into the urethra through the external orifice. Treating of the children with this pathology could be complicated, while the special urological departments and specialist in this problem are absent.

A 10-year old patient was admitted in the Kashadaryinsk regional multidisciplinary medical center in December 2012 with the complaints of the pain in the perineum and scrotum and macrohematuria.

According to the patient’s history in the age of 5 years a home trauma of the perineum occurred with one episode of the urethral bleeding. The child was referred to the adult urologist, but no instrumental investigations were performed and the causes of the bleeding were not identified. The child was discharged. In the age of 10 years (2012) an evidence of micturition disturbances arose, with these complaints he was admitted to the Regional adolescent multidisciplinary medical center to the urological department. In the time of the urethroscopy the foreign body was identified and removed from the urethral lumen (bulbous urethra). This foreign body was an incrusted metallic needle with a length of 7 cm and diameter of 0.2 cm. Postoperatively on the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory medications no complications were evident. A voluntary micturition was restored after catheter removal without residual urine according to ultrasound investigation.

Drawing a conclusion, this clinical case is a rare situation of the longtime stay of the foreign body in the urethra, perineum and scrotum of the young patient.

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