

Number №1, 2022 - page 130-135

Management of premature ejaculation in patients with erectile disfunction DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2022-15-1-130-134

For citation: Spivak L.G., Evdokimov M.S., Frank M.A., Murzin M.O., Kurenkov A.V., Fesenko V.N. Management of premature ejaculation in patients with erectile disfunction. Experimental and Clinical Urology, 2022;15(1):130-134; https://doi.org/10.29188/2222‑8543‑2022‑15‑1‑130‑134
Spivak L.G., Evdokimov M.S., Frank M.A., Murzin M.O., Kurenkov A.V., Fesenko V.N.
Information about authors:
  • Spivak L.G. – I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia; Moscow, Russia; Scopus: 57196177636; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1575-6268
  • Evdokimov M.S. – РhD, «Family Policlinic No. 4»; Korolev, Russia; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1459-5098
  • Frank M.A. – Dr. Sc., professor, Depatment of urology, Ural State Medical University, Yekaterinburg, Russia
  • Murzin M.O. – PhD, urologist, «Family Medical Center», Yekaterinburg, Russia
  • Kurenkov A.V. – Dr. Sc., Professor of the Department of Urology, North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, St. Peterburg, Russia
  • Fesenko V.N. – PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Urology, North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, St. Peterburg, Russia

Introduction. Early ejaculation mixed with ED is quite an often combination, mentioned in clinical guidelines. Management of these two conditions results in prescribing both SSRIs and PDE5i. But there is a lack of information about efficacy and safety of such combination.

Aims. The study objective is to evaluate effectiveness and safety of dapoxetine (NAO «Severnaya zvezda») 30/60 mg on demand combined with tadalafil (NAO «Severnaya zvezda») 5 mg OD for managing early ejaculation and erectile disfunction.

Materials and methods. Efficacy was evaluated by questionnaries (PEDT) and Intravaginal ejaculation latency time (IELT).

Results. 112 were enrolled in the study, all of them have finished the study. Patients with dapoxetine dose titration – 9,2 %. Dapoxetine (NAO «Severnaya zvezda») 30/60 mg on demand combined with tadalafil (NAO «Severnaya zvezda») 5 mg OD made it possible to extand IELT for more than 300 sec.

Conclusion. Dapoxetine (NAO «Severnaya zvezda») 30/60 mg on demand combined with tadalafil (NAO «Severnaya zvezda») 5 mg OD is effective and safe for managing early ejaculation and erectile disfunction. This therapy prolongs intravaginal ejaculation delay by more than 300 seconds.

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premature ejaculation; premature ejaculation; erectile disfunction; dapoxetine; tadalafil

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