

Number №1, 2013 - page 24-29

Morphologic changes in urinary bladder and vagina tissues after polypropylene mesh implantation. Experimental study

Kaprin A.D., Filimonov V.B., Vasina I.V., Vasin R.V., Kostin A.A.

Vaginal surgery for pelvic organ prolapse using mesh polypropylene implants (Prolift, Johnson&Johnson, USA; AMS Elevate, USA) is pathogenetic treatment of fascial reconstruction in patients with connective tissue defects. One of the shortcomings of these commercial sets is rather high cost. In this study for the first time we have compared the reaction of the bladder and vagina tissues to the implantation of the type I polypropylene meshes (Prolift, Johnson&Johnson, USA, and Gyneflex, Lyntex, Russia). Here we present the morphological peculiarities of tissue response depending on the type of braiding, size of mesh cells, mesh structure and physical / chemical properties of the mesh.

Microscopic and ultrastructural changes in the implantation area in all experimental animals showed the development of the aseptic inflammatory response (after 7 days) and then, primarily fibroplastic response (after 14, 21, 30 and 60 days). There were now significant inflammation response or excessive tissue growth detected.

According to the obtained data, these two types of meshes are biologically inert in case of their fixation to the bladder and implantation into vagina wall. Histologically there were no differences for studied meshes.

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