

Number №1, 2013 - page 40-43

The natural history of formation, clinical features of chronic prostatitis on the background age-related androgen deficiency

Popkov V.M., Spirin P.V., Blyumberg B.I., Mescheryakova E.A.

It is well known now that androgen deficiency has negative influence on almost all organs and systems in male body, including chronic prostatitis course. Probability of development, time to occur and peculiarities of a clinical course of chronic prostatitis against the androgen saturation in the aging males were studied. The Aging Males' Symptoms (AMS) rating scale was applied for androgen deficiency evaluation and the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) – for chronic prostatitis symptoms evaluation. Fifty seven men with chronic prostatitis in combination with androgen deficiency were examined, in the study flow a special questionnaire was developed as a fusion of the IH-CPSI scale and AMS scale. We concluded that development of chronic prostatitis with a background of androgen deficiency in the aging male occurs quicker and the frequency of this disease is about 1.5 times higher than in patients without androgen deficiency. Patients with chronic prostatitis in combination with androgen deficiency (study group) showed higher degree of illness severity than patients with chronic prostatitis without androgen deficiency (control group). Overall score for NIH-CSPI were 29,3±2,1 and 38,3±1,6 accordingly in control group and study group (р < 0,05); dysuria severity was 10,4±0,8 and 14,1±0,6 accordingly in control group and study group (р< 0,05). The quality of life was significantly lower in patients with chronic prostatitis and androgen deficiency, than in patients with isolated chronic prostatitis.

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