

Номер №4, 2018 - page 82-93

Our experience in application of hexane extract of Serenoa Repens (Permixon) extract in case of chronic prostatitis

Sivkov A.V., Sinyuhin V.N., Prichepa V.V., Apolihin O.I.
Information about authors:
  • Sivkov A.V. – PhD, deputy director on scientific work of N. Lopatkin Research Institute of urology and Interventional Radiology – branch of the National Medical Research Centre of Radiology of Ministry of health of Russian Federation; e-mail: uroinfo@yandex.ru
  • Siniukhin V.N. – Dr. Sc., professor, leader researcher of scitificlab. department of N.A. Lopatkin Scientific Research Institute of Urology and Interventional Radiology – Branch of the National Medical Research Centre of Radiology of the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation, e-mail: sinyukhin@mail.ru
  • Причепа В.В. – urologist Diagnostic center №3 of the Moscow Department of health, pvv979@mail.ru
  • Apolikhin O.I. – Dr. Sc, professor, сor.-member of RAS, director of N. Lopatkin Research Institute of urology and Interventional Radiology – branch of the National Medical Research Centre of Radiology of Ministry of health of Russian Federation; e-mail: sekr.urology@gmail.com

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a common disease among older men, which has a strong effect on their quality of life causing lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). Recently, special attention has been paid to the pathogenetic role of chronic inflammation in the pathogenesis of BPH. In connection with this, researchers continue the search for drugs with anti-inflammatory action and suitable for long-term use.

Permixon is a hexane lipidosterol extract of Serenoa repens, consisting of a mixture of free and esterified long chain fatty acids, polyprenes and phytosterols. It has specificity and selectivity towards the prostate, and also has a wide range of biological activity due to the large number of ingredients. The Permixon main mechanisms of action are its anti-androgenic (inhibition of 5α-reductase activity), pro-apoptotic, anti-proliferative and anti-inflammatory properties. Permixon has no effect on the production of prostate-specific antigen and does not cause side effects.

The Research Institute of Urology has experience of participation in clinical studies of the efficacy and safety of the Permixon based on 372 patients.

The results of the Permixon use in patients with LUTS / BPH. The prospective study comprised 203 patients with BPH / LUTS. It was shown that 320 mg of drug per day eased the symptoms of BPH what was indicated by a steady and statistically significant improvement in the main criteria for treatment efficacy: 38.6% of IPSS and 32.3% of QOL.

Urodynamic effects of Permixon. Its positive effect on urinary parameters was demonstrated. Positive changes in urodynamic parameters were recorded with the help of the KUDI method in 40% of patients: the increase in the speed of urination (25%), in the volume of urination (58.2%), in a maximum cystometric capacity (92.3%), in a decrease in the Pdet / Qmax gradient (16.2 %) and in the degree of obstruction according to Schafer (up to stages II and III).

Morphological changes in prostate tissue of patients with BPH in case of the Permixon treatment. We showed the pathogenetic effect of Permixon during the morphological study of prostate tissue, where a significant decrease in the proliferative activity of glandular structures, an increase in their atrophy (90%) and in their stroma-parenchyma ratio (93.3%) and also a decrease in the inflammatory response (53.3%) were confirmed.

The results of the Permixon use in patients with chronic non‐bacterial prostatitis (CNBP). Anti-inflammatory efficacy of Permixon was demonstrated in a multicenter clinical study of 120 patients with CNBP/LUTS. During our work we showed that the drug had a pronounced symptomatic and anti-inflammatory effect, which was accompanied by a 50% decrease in the number of leukocytes in the prostate secret (that had a long-standing effect even after cessation of therapy); by a 63.8% decrease in the total frequency of symptoms; by the improvement of sexual function (by 51.8% decrease in the number of points on the MSF4 scale).

Conclusion. Our study demonstrates the efficacy and safety of Permixon use in BPH/LUTS and CNBP.

Authors declare lack of the possible conflicts of interests

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benign prostatic hyperplasia, lower urinary tract symptoms, chronic abacterial prostatitis, treatment, Permixon

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