

Number №1, 2016 - page 90-93

Painful bladder syndrome in patients with dysmenorrhea

Kul'chavenya E.V., Breusov A.A., Brizhatyuk E.V., Shevchenko S.Yu.

Pain is nowadays widespread and almost epidemic. At that viscerovisceral hyperalgesia supposed to show the sensoric projections. E.g., painful process in uterus or in intestine could present with the pain in urinary bladder. Dysmenorrhea is also a widespread medico-social problem with frequency in population according to some data as high as 95%.

We have performed an open, prospective, non-comparative study in female patients with age 17-24 years and dysmenorrhea and painful bladder. Organic causes for dysuria were excluded using cystoscopy. Vaginal investigation, cervical and urethral smear, polymerase chain reaction for common pathogens, urinalysis, urine culture, microscopy of the vaginal smear, urogenital sonography were among the routine investigations.

All patients received kanefron 2 dragee three times a day during one month and cyclodynon 1 tablet in the morning during three months. Efficacy criteria were: reduction of pain and dyspareunia (scale from 0 to 5 with 0 – absence of pain and 5 being an intolerable pain), improvement of life quality (0 – intolerable, 5 – very good), and sum of these 2 scales initially and 3 months after treatment initiation. Three months after treatment initiation all patients reported the improvement.

Drawing a conclusion, combination of kanefron and cyclodynon in patients with dysmenorrhea associated with painful bladder is grounded from the pathogenetic point of view, good tolerated and highly effective. Further studies are warranted in this direction.

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cystalgia, algomenorrehea, algodysmenorrhea, painful bladder syndrome, phytotherapy

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