

Number №2, 2012 - page 24-27

Peculiarities of sodium hypochlorite adaptogenic features in acute hypoxia, physical stress and thiopental anesthesia in experiment

Ivaschenko V.V., Kirpatovskiy V.I.

The paper studies the adaptogenic properties of 0.06% sodium hypochlorite solution (SH). The study was conducted in three groups of 15 outbred male rats. Intact group was of 5 rats subjected to no influence. The control group consisted of 5 animals, they were injected intraperitoneally with 1 ml of a saline solution once a day for 4 days. The experimental group consisted of 5 rats, they were injected intraperitoneally with 1 ml of 0.06% solution of the SH daily for 4 days (1.5-1.8 mg / kg). Afterwards the rats were subjected to extreme influences – general anesthesia, intensive dynamic exercise (swimming), acute hypoxia. Similar repeated tests were conducted 5 days after the first tests. Parenteral injection of 0.06% solution of the SH provides high tolerance of rats to intense dynamic physical stress at 16 days of the experiment, significantly higher than similar capabilities of intact rats at 2 times, and in the control group at 2.5 times. At the 17th day of the experiment tolerance of rats to hypoxic hypoxia, as measured by time of posture loss while breathing in a confined space, in the experimental group was significantly higher than in the control group and the group of intact rats.

Our data allow us to consider SH as a unique mean that has a non-specific adaptogenic features that enhances the body’s resistance to a variety of extreme stress. Adaptogenic effect of SH requires a considerable period of time during which the alteration of cellular metabolism and systemic regulation is rebuilt.

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