

Number №4, 2015 - page 100-103

Place of the nephrolithotripsy in the treatment of patients with staghorn urolithiasis

Amosov N.A., Urenkov S.B., Ivanov A.E., Podoynicyn A.A.

Actuality: staghorn urolithiasis is a heavy disease, taking one of the leading places among the urogenital pathology. Selecting the least traumatic intervention in those patients is one of the complex tasks in the urological practice. 

Aim: to evaluate the role of the retrograde nephrolithotripsy for the patients with staghorn nephrolithiasis. 

Materials and methods: we have carried out the retrospective analysis of retrograde nephrolithotripsy in 51 patients with staghorn nephrolithiasis, which were treated in the urological department of MONIKI in a period from 2009 to 2014. The main type of the stones were staghorn stones KH2 – 22 (43.1%) patients. KH1 stones were present in 19 (37.3%) of patients, KH3 in 7 (13.7%) and KH4 – in 3 (5.9%) of patients. 

Results: In 31 (60.8%) of patients stone-free status was achieved after the first intervention. In 20 (39.2%) of patients residual fragments warranted the secondary procedures. In 13 patients (25.5%) extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy was performed as second procedure, in 4 (7.8%) patients – percutaneous nephrolitothripsy. Repeated retrograde nephrolithotripsy was carried out in 3 (5.9%) of patients. 

Conclusion: Retrograde nephrolithotripsy is an effective method of treatment in selected patients with staghorn urolithiasis. Combination of retrograde and percutaneous approaches could contribute to the increased efficacy of the intervention and allows reduction in the complication rate. 

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urolithiasis, staghorn nephrolithiasis, transurethral nephrolithotripsy, retrograde nephrolithotripsy, percutaneous nephrolithotripsy

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