

Number №4, 2015 - page 117-122

Therapeutic influence of phytopreparation «Rovatinecs» on the urodynamic and dysmethabolic processes in pediatric patients with hydronephrosis and obstructive megaureter

Kazanskaya I.V., Babanin I.L., Rostovskaya V.V., Matyushina K.M., Voroncov A.L.

We have investigated the cohort of 48 pediatric patients with specific types of the upper urinary tract (UUT) urodynamics disturbances and pathologic protein profiles and showed positive influence of the Rovatinecs on all urodynamic processes, characteristic for filling and emptying phases. The most prominent effect on urodynamics was evident in patients with obstructive and obstructive-hypertensive variants. Disadaptation variant patients efficacy of the kidney pelvis emptying was unchanged. At that most patients showed stabilization of the coefficients of pelvis and pyelo-ureteric junction adaptation, in six patients urodynamics was completely restored. Comparative analysis of the protein profile showed similar positive dynamics with regard to the amelioration of the nephron dysfunction and normalization of the urine protein profile. 

This data assumes further use of the Rovatinecs at all stages of the endoscopic and surgical treatment. The therapy duration should be prolonged up to 2-3 months in patients with disadaptational variant of the UUT urodynamics disturbance. 

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hydronephrosis, children, diuretic ultrasound pyelography, coefficient adaptation pelvis, pyeloureteral segment passability, urine protein profile, Rowatinex, conservative treatment

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