

Number №4, 2011 - page 66-71

Potentials Of Prostate Cancer Immune Therapy

Oschepkov V.N., Sivkov A.V., Garmanova T.N.

In recent time interest for new methods of malignant tumors is growing, one of the most promising is immune therapy. The main reason of such interest is caused by the fact that nearly one third of treated patients with prostate cancer have reccurence.

According to immune answer mechanisms the main objective of cancer immune therapy is activation of lymphocytes specific to cancer cells illumination, for the purpose of what attempts of cancer cells antigens representation by different methods are managed. Paricularly, prostate cancer immune therapy can be divided into 2 main directions: passive and active immune therapy. Passive immune therapy is injection of activated components of effector immune system to patients with cancer, active immunetherapy is a vaccination of patients with agents stimulating cancer specific T-cells.

This review represents clinical results of using of following vaccines: PSA recombinant vaccine (PROSTVAC), PAP recombinant vaccine, vaccine consisting of nonapeptides PSCA14, PAP299, PSMA4 andPSA154, dendrite cells vaccines (DCVax, «Northwest Biotherapeutics», USA; Sipuleucel-T (APC8015, Provenge®; «Dendreon», USA)).

Prostate cancer immune therapy with different types of vaccines is a very promising option. From other hand a big quantity of clinical trials to evaluate efficacy of different vaccine types are required as a new approaches, cancer specific molecules and adjuvants, which can stimulate cancer specific immune answer.

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