

Number №2, 2019 - page 4-13

Prostate diseases in the Russian Federation: statistical data for 2008-2017 DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2019-11-2-4-12

Apolihin O.I., Komarova V.A., Nikushina A.A., Sivkov A.V.

Introduction. During the last years morbidity of population of Russian Federation constantly increases, which is related to an overall increase in elderly population and integration of new diagnostic methods which effectively improve detection rates of certain conditions, and also to an inadequate effectiveness of disease prophylaxis and prevention system.

Materials and methods. Analysis of statistical information on morbidities in Russian Federation has allowed us to describe some associations. Of all genitourinary system conditions, prostate diseases make up to 27%. In 2007 there were 1124417 registered cases of prostatic diseases, and in 2017 – 1464765, so there was a 30,3% growth.

Results. Overall incidence of prostate diseases per 100000 of male population has grown from 2152,1 in 2008 to 2770,2 in 2017 with 28,7% growth. Primary incidence of prostatic diseases increased during the studied period by 5,2%. Primary incidence of prostatic diseases per 100000 of male population increased by 3,6% and fluctuated between 516 in 2008 and 549,8 in 2017. Within Russian Federation incidence of prostate diseases is distinctly different not only among various federal districts, but also among various regions within one district, and this discrepancy may reach 200-800%, which reveals a substantial bias in acquisition of medical statistical data.

Conclusion. To obtain true information on incidence of diseases of genitourinary organs, including the prostate, it is necessary to improve acquisition of statistical data, including the data from private clinics. Organization and conduction of pilot epidemiological studies, search for correlation with risk factors (obesity and metabolic syndrome) and digitalization of healthcare are necessary

Authors declare lack of the possible conflicts of interests.

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morbidity, prostate, region of Russian Federation

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