

Number №4, 2012 - page 23-28

Role of insulin resistence in kidney diseases pathogenesis

Tyuzikov I.A., Kalinchenko S.Yu., Vorslov L.O., Grekov E.A.

At present time glucose metabolism disorders are rather widespread group of metabolic diseases which make one key components of the metabolic syndrome which frequency steadily grows in modern population, and communication with many somatic diseases is authentically is proved. Insulin resistance is early pre-clinical stage of diabetes mellitus type 2 at which against normoglicemia superfluous secretion of insulin comes to light that conducts to increase of its blood level (hyperinsulinaemia). Effects of insulin on kidneys are seldom enough considered in the special urological literature. However, today the large clinical and experimental scientific material which testifies to increasing role of insulin resistance in kidney’s diseases pathogenesis. The all-round analysis of insulin resistance role as systemic pathogenic factor of kidneys diseases based on results the modern epidemiological, clinical and experimental investigations is spent in the literary review, and also the proved and possible mechanisms of this influence are covered. There is shown, that insulin resistance, except for specific diagnostic loading as marker of glucose exchange disorders, is independent risk predictor of kidneys diseases development and progression, including chronic kidney diseases, urolitiasis, cystic kidney disease and renal tumor. The early insulin resistance revealing and correction could be considered as the perspective and effective method of early diagnostics of any kidneys diseases, and also as one of their pathogenic pharmacologic therapy and prophylactics components.

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