

Th e innovative activity for development of the common clinico-statistical classifi cation of oncourological diseases as exemplifi ed by renal neoplasms

Apolihin O.I., Sivkov A.V., Chernyshev I.V., Kakorina E.P., Keshishev N.G., Zhernov A.A.

At the present time ICD-10 and ICDO are used for oncourological diseases coding all over the world. However over a period of many years a problem of discrepancy of clinical diagnoses in patient records with ICD-10 statistical diagnoses remains unresolved. Th e paper considers drawbacks of coded statistical classifi cation of oncourological diseases which is provided in ICD-10 and ICD-O. Key drawbacks of these classifi cations are: absence of information about most important topographic features of tumor localization; absence of information about tumor stage according to TNM; duplication of encoded information about the malignant nature of tumor in ICD-10 and ICD-O and necessity for simultaneous application of multiple classifi cations. A new coded clinico-statistical classifi cation of oncourological diseases has been proposed. It is based on integration of ICD-10, ICD-O and TNM classifi cations without interfering possibility of data collection from each of them. Examples of diagnosis formulation in various forms of renal carcinoma are provided. It is expected that developed classifi cation will enable to facilitate collection and improve analysis of statistic material in oncourology; to enhance information request fl exibility and obtained reply detalization; to state personalized oncourological cancer registers; to provide conditions for standardization of diagnostics and choice of treatment; to improve economic- statistical analysis of delivery of health care to oncourological patients and to optimize charges for diagnostics and treatment of oncourological patients.

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