

Номер №4, 2018 - page 104-109

Treatment of neurogenic bladder dysfunction and secondary enuresis in children and adolescents

Morozov V.I., Baybikov R.S., Zakirov A.K., Yul'metov G.A.
Information about authors:
  • Morozov V.I. – Dr.Sc. in Medical Sciences, professor; е-mail: Morozov.valer@rambler.ru
  • Baybikov R.S. – PhD in Medical Sciences, surgeon at the Children's Republican Clinical Hospital; е-mail: rashit.b@rambler.ru
  • Zakirov A.K. –PhD in Medical Sciences, surgeon at the Children's Republican Clinical Hospital; е-mail: docaydar@gmail.com
  • Yulmetov G.A. – resident physician at thepediatric surgerydepartment of Kazan SMU,; е-mail: Garif.yulm@mail.ru

Introduction: The article presentsthe results of examination and treatment of 133 children with neurogenic bladder dysfunction aged 3 to 14 years.

Materials and methods: A two-stage algorithm of examination with this pathology is proposed: uronephrological and neurological stages of diagnosis. The necessity of topical diagnosis of nervous system damage in patients with neurogenic bladder dysfunction is considered. The data of correlation of the functional state of the bladder depending on the level of Central nervous system damage are presented. The methods of basic therapy perinatal injuries foci of the nervous system as the root cause of neurogenic bladder dysfunction in children, as well as methods of symptomatic pharmacotherapy and physiotherapy aimed at normalizing the functional state of the bladder and urodynamic are described.

Results: Indications for surgical treatment of certain clinical forms of neurogenic bladder dysfunction in children are showed. Possible complications in children with this disease are described. In children with detrusor sphincter dyssynergia and related functional constipation due to hypertonicity of the anal sphincter the proposed method of the Recamier (the digital anal ring dilatation). All types of surgical interventions and surgical procedures in children with neurogenic bladder dysfunction at different levels of perinatal nervous system damage are presented in a separate summary table. In the final part of the article presents the data of a catamnestic study: the results of the children treatment with neurogenic bladder dysfunction 1 year and 3 years later of step-bystep therapy courses.

Authors declare lack of the possible conflicts of interests

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children, neurogenic bladder, enuresis

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