Выпуск №3 за 2020 год
Introduction. Urachus abnormalities are rare in childhood practice. The need for active management of patients with such pathology is due to the significant frequency of its complicated forms and,...
Выпуск №1 за 2020 год
Introduction. Issues of therapeutic tactics in case of urachal anomalies are currently extremely few in the literature, due to the rarity of the pathology and the inability to conduct a statistically...
Выпуск №3 за 2018 год
The article is devoted to the problem of testicular prosthesis in childhood and adolescence. Analyzed 345 such operations of the eight clinics of pediatric urology. The generalized experiencewith the...
Выпуск №3 за 2017 год
The problem of testicular torsion, despite rather high debatability in specialized domestic and foreign literature, leaves many questions on which consensus has not been reached to date, the authors...
Выпуск №2 за 2017 год
The paper presents a rare clinical case of twisting the testis of a newborn. It is shown that the severity of effects on reproductive function in bilateral volvulus newborn due to bilateral...
Выпуск №3 за 2015 год
We present our experiences with the
pathology of the spermatic cord:
39 newborns and children of the 1st
syndrome in last 12 years. We have
analyzed the efficacy of...