Выпуск №1 за 2024 год
Introduction. Testicular torsion is the most common emergency urological pathology of boys. If it is impossible to exclude TT, a testicular revision is necessary. In every third case, the torsed...
Выпуск №2 за 2021 год
Introduction. Hypospadias is one of the most common malformations of the external genital organs in boys. The development of surgical technologies in recent decades has significantly improved the...
Выпуск №3 за 2020 год
Introduction. Transureteroureteroanastomosis (TUUA) is rarely used in pediatric urology. The literature describes isolated cases of performing TUUA with laparoscopic access. The objective of this...
Выпуск №1 за 2020 год
Introduction. Нigh testosterone concentration in the testicular vein can be potentially connected towell-known Leydig cell hyperplasia in patient with varicocele. Aim. To study the relationship...
Выпуск №4 за 2019 год
Introduction. Over the last few years, some publications have appeared documenting removal of bladder diverticulum using a pneumovesicoscopic approach. The objective of this study is to present multi...
Выпуск №1 за 2019 год
Background: Experience in using polyalcohol-polyacrylate copolymer (PPC) demonstrates not only its high efficacy but also higher risk of obstructive complications(OC) associated with its use when...
Выпуск №3 за 2018 год
The article is devoted to the problem of testicular prosthesis in childhood and adolescence. Analyzed 345 such operations of the eight clinics of pediatric urology. The generalized experiencewith the...