

Номер №3, 2018 - page 80-83

Bilateral laparoscopic removal of the transplanted kidney. Clinical case

Trushkin R.N., Lubennikov A.E., Kuvyrdin D.A.
Information about authors:
  • Trushkin R.N. – PhD, head of department of urology. State hospital № 52, Moscow Department of Health. e-mail: uro52@mail.ru
  • Lubennikov A.E. – PhD, urologist of department of urology. State hospital № 52, Moscow Department of Health. e-mail: lualev@yandex.ru
  • Kuvyrdin D.A. – urologist of department of urology. State hospital № 52, Moscow Department of Health. e-mail: dr_dak@rambler.ru

The period after kidney transplantation is divided into early, up to 6 months, and late, more than 6 months. In the early period, extracapsular removal of the transplanted kidney is performed, in the late period – subcapsular by Fedorov. This is since over time, in view of immune causes, a scar-sclerotic case is formed around the transplanted kidney, involving iliac vessels, the parietal peritoneum, and the pelvic wall. Probably, in view of the above changes, laparoscopic transplantectomy is not widely used. In the literature, there are isolated reports of clinical cases. On a one-stage bilateral laparoscopic transplantectomy, we have not found any publications in accessible world, literary databases. We give a clinical observation.

The operation was performed by a 46-year-old man who had two renal transplants, both did not function, the patient received hemodialysis three times a week. The transplant located in the le ileal region, caused a clinical picture – a recurrent course of pyelonephritis, a periodic macrohematuria. The transplant, localized in the right ileal region, was wrinkled, the indication for its removal was the release of space for possible subsequent kidney transplantation. The intervention time was 240 minutes. Complications were not. The patient is activated 12 hours aer the intervention. Drug analgesia in the postoperative period was not required. The patient was discharged for 6 days.

Authors declare lack of the possible conflicts of interests.

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laparoscopic removal of the transplanted kidney, renal allograft, end-stage renal disease

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