

Number №1, 2018 - page 60-65

Choice of the method and duration of drainage of the calyx-pelvis kidney system after endoureterotomy in patients with and without previously established nephrostomy drainage DOI: Doi 10.29188/2222-8543-2018-9-1-60-65

Chernysheva D.Yu., Popov S.V., Orlov I.N.
Information about authors:
  • Chernysheva D.Y. – urologist of City Center of Endourology and New Techniologies, Saint-Petersburg, e-mail: daria.chern@gmail.com
  • Popov S.V. – Dr.Sc., chief of City Center of Endourology and New Techniologies, Saint-Petersburg, e-mail: doc.popov@gmail.com
  • Orlov I.N. – PhD, chief of the 1st urology department at of City Center of Endourology and New Techniologies, Saint-Petersburg, e-mail: doc.orlov@gmail.com

Introduction. there is lack of specific guidelines regarding the choice of ureteral stent type and duration of postoperative renal drainage after endoureterotomy. Aim of our study is to examine the influence of calyceal drainage type and duration after endoureterotomy.

Material and methods. 148 patients with ureteral strictures underwent endoureterotomy in the St. Luca’s City Hospital from 2007 till 2016. Median age was 48 (34;60) years. Patients were divided into 4 groups based on the presence of nephrostomy tube and the type of ureteral stent. The result was evaluated within a year or earlier if the stricture relapse happened.

Results. Тhe general efficiency of endoureterotomy was 75%. The relapse occurred in 16 patients (40.0%), who had a nephrostomy tube, and in 21 tube-free patients (19.4%) (p0.05). Clamping the nephrostomy tube within 3 days aer the surgery reduces the stricture relapse risk (OR= 4,4, p<0.05).

Conclusion: neither ureteral stent type nor the stent duration influence the endouereterotomy results. The nephrostomy tube should be clamped in 3 days after the surgery to achieve better endoureterotomy results.

Authors declare lack of the possible conflicts of interests

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ureteral stricture, endoureterotomy, nephrostomy drainage

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