

Number №1, 2011 - page 17-25

Clinical Statistical Classification of Andrological Diseases

Apolihin O.I., Sivkov A.V., Efremov E.A., Mel'nik Ya.I., Keshishev N.G., Gusakova D.A.

Current International statistical classification of diseases and related health problems, 10th edition (ICD- 10), is a legislative document that provides integration and comparability of national healthcare data, epidemiological situation and healthcare facilities' activity. Unfortunately the given classification suffers from inaccuracies in clinical sections structural appearance either in coding of numerous diseases. There is an intricacy in different polygenic diseases and syndromes placement in various sections. Besides, a lot of nosological forms, syndromes and symptoms widely spread nowadays is
absent in ICD-10.

At present time printed and electronic versions of urological and andrological diseases based on ICD- 10 codes are developed in Russian Healthcare Depertment's Scientific Research Institute of Urology. The coding system is represented in a tree view, where each subnode itemizes the previous node. Proposed system provides consideration of pathological process' localization, stage and/or
phase. In this article summary table containing symptoms, syndromes and nosological forms spread in real andrological practice according to ICD- 10 was given.

Meanwhile some of them do not respond to modern understanding of pathological processes and demand terminological and classification updating and correction. The classification given demands complementation and modification, essential corrections due to interdisciplinary interaction, and thus it will be possible to create unitary integral classification of andrological diseases.

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