

Number №1, 2012 - page 32-35

Concentrations of sex hormones in the pampiniform plexus of testicles in patients with varicocele

Kravcov Yu.A., Makarov V.I., Sichinava Z.A., Polushin O.G., Dubolazova I.Yu.

The study of the levels of sex hor­mones in 35 patients with varico­cele, underwent Marmar-Goldstein surgery, and 31 patients underwent surgery on the scrotum due to hydro­cele, inguinal hernia, as well as other pathology of testicles.
The levels of hormones (testosterone, estradiol, progesterone) were mea­sured in serum taken simultaneously from the cubital vein and the pampi­niform plexus vein.The highest level of sex hormones were observed in the veins of the pampiniform plexus in patients with varicocele, testosterone (1445.769 119.175 ng / ml) and estradiol (1528.519 137.238 pg / ml) levels were in more than 150 times higher than normal, concentration of pro­gesterone (6.484 0.935 ng / ml) was increased not so significantly.In the control group, increase of sex hormones level was not so signifi­cant - from sevenfold (progesterone) to 33 - fold (testosterone).The pathogenesis of varicocele as a hormone-dependent phlebopathy is discussed.
Stagnation of blood in the pampini­form venous plexus and increase of sexhormones level, especially estrogen and progesterone, on the first stage of the development of varicocele can cause hormone-dependent phlebopa- thy, able to undergo reverse develop­ment according to stabilization and reduction of sex hormones level.In patients with connective tissue dysplasia phlebopathy progresses into a phase of irreversible changes in the venous wall with a significant and persistent expansion of the lumen of the pampiniform plexus veins, which requires surgical intervention. Authors offer a method of assessment of varicocele severity and possibility of its recurrence by the level of hor­mones in the venous blood.

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